Hear.com marketing campaign

Hear.com marketing campaign



I was responsible for creating and implementing the highly successful founder’s story campaign, which had a significant impact. The campaign employed a sleek and clean advertorial style that captivated viewers, resulting in them spending four times more time on the founder’s story landing page compared to previous campaigns.

My role and challenge

My role involved testing and improving an existing hearing aid marketing campaign. This included identifying areas of weakness and implementing enhancements. I was also responsible for designing a new logo, creating animated ads, and collaborating with the founder to develop a persuasive story that would drive user sign-ups. The challenge was to address any shortcomings from the previous campaign and create compelling marketing materials that would strongly resonate with the target audience.

Creative journey and outcome

Based on the user test data and heat map analysis, it was observed that viewers spent an average of two minutes on both mobile and desktop devices when visiting the landing page. This is particularly noteworthy as the majority of our customers fall into the 55 and above age group, which tends to prefer reading content. The test results indicated that viewers desired clear information about the devices and the offerings provided by Hear.com.

In contrast to the previous landing page, where viewers spent 25 to 30 seconds without gaining an understanding of Hear.com’s purpose, the new landing page successfully attracts higher quality customers who are more likely to complete the entire purchasing process. Since its launch a few months ago, the new founder’s story campaign has generated a 20% increase in appointments. Furthermore, after running ads on Facebook, the founder’s story advertisement has proven to be 20% more cost-efficient in terms of CPA (Cost Per Acquisition) compared to the previous campaign.

Throughout numerous user tests, a common point of interest among customers was the appearance of the hearing aid in their ears. To address this, I developed a step-by-step ad that visually demonstrates how discreet and small the device is when worn. This particular ad has been exceptionally successful and continues to generate positive results. When customers visit an Audiology center, they often inquire about the device featured on the landing page.

Given the immense success of the new landing page design, it has been adopted for various other campaigns, all of which have achieved similar levels of success. The clean, sleek, and simple design instills a sense of trust among individuals who are considering investing between $4,000 to $7,000 in these remarkably small devices.


Logo design 


Facebook ad


Display ad


Twice as happy

Experience the transformative impact of Hear.com’s quality services through our ad campaign. With a heartwarming image of an elderly gentleman embracing a hearing aid, we showcase the profound difference we make in our customers’ well-being and happiness.



Hear.com’s ad campaign embodies personalized care through Concierge experiences. With a white-gloved hand holding a hearing aid on a silver plate, we symbolize our commitment to meticulous attention and premium service, reflecting our dedication to providing exceptional care to each individual we serve.


Humor & emotions

Experience the joy of clear hearing at any age with Hear.com. Our ad campaign showcases the transformative power of our services, empowering customers to embrace life to the fullest.

Landing page

Web 1920 - 1366 monitor - Home page - Bootstrap grid